A Pixelated Beginning: The 8-Bit Era In gaming, the visual journey began humbly with...
Gaming Madness
The games industry is booming, and CD Projekt Red’s incredible success proves the truth...
Starship Troopers: Terran Command set to launch on PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One....
Wailord is one of the largest tanks in Pokemon GO. It has a couple...
Lost Ark is a challenging action RPG developed by Studio Wildcard. The game has...
The playstyle of jungle ganking may be one of the most difficult to master...
In Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn, your character is an adventurer who must...
“Lost Ark” is a free-to-play mobile game, made by NetEase in 2015. It’s now...
The PlayStation 4 March Update 2022 was released on the PS4 North American and...
With a promise of up to 10% increased damage with each level, Genshin Impact...