A new ranged weapon concept that uses two kusharigama (Japanese sickle-and-chain) to deliver devastating...
World Gaming
Sifu is a decentralized platform built on top of the Ethereum blockchain that aims...
In Destiny 2, players can acquire the titular character in a variety of ways....
The Lost Ark is an upcoming title from publisher, Square Enix. The game has...
GTA Online is one of the most popular games in the world, with a...
Genshin Impact is a really fun, easy-to-play game. It features super cute graphics and...
The goal of Lost Ark is to find the Ark and Noah’s family. Players...
With the release of Dying Light 2 Patch 1.04, developer Techland added DLSS improvements...
The new year has just begun, and the world of video games is an...
The MEG Z690 GODLIKE is a high end multi-core gaming board that features the...