Dark Souls 3 is an action role-playing game developed by FromSoftware and published by Bandai Namco Entertainment for the PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Windows. The game was released in Japan on March 24, 2016. Dark Souls III takes place in Lordran, a location from the first two games of the series; it is part of a single continuous story which bridges those games with their sequels (Dark Firelink Shrine). In this guide we’ll be looking at how to find all seven weapons that grant different Attunement Points allowing players to increase their stats based on what type of character they want to play as.
The “dark souls 3 strength build” is a guide to the 7 best weapons in Dark Souls 3. These weapons are good for players who wish to focus on Strength.
In Dark Souls 3, strength weapons have always had a skill curve connected with them. However, after you’ve gotten into the habit of using them, you’ll be able to one-shot almost any enemy that has the misfortune of coming up against you.
While not every Strength weapon is highly useful in PvP, Ledo’s mighty hammer is, in our view, the greatest Strength weapon in the game. It does a terrifying amount of damage, and with a little experience, you can pull off some incredible combinations with it. Furthermore, the one-of-a-kind Special Ability “Stone’s Call” protects you against backstabs.
But, as previously said, there’s more to it than simply harm. As a result, we’ve tested every known Strength weapon in Dark Souls 3 and scribbled down our results below. You’ll be able to figure out which Strength weapon in Dark Souls 3 is perfect for you at the conclusion of this article!
In Dark Souls 3, what is a Strength Build?
This is a nice example of a Strength build.
Before we get started with our weapon, it’s critical that you’ve properly specced your character. While we’ll be focusing on Strength, other characteristics such as Dexterity and Endurance are as significant. While you may choose your Dexterity level, increasing it to 16 enables you to use weapons such as the Splitleaf Greatsword and the Exile Greatsword.
However, if you only want to use pure Strength weapons like the Great Club and Ledo’s mighty hammer, you may skip Dexterity and use those points elsewhere.
Make sure you have a good Stamina pool for the remainder of the construction. Strength weapons often take a large amount of stamina. As a result, we suggest that you have at least 35 points. If you roll a lot, increasing your stamina is also a good idea.
Simply divide the remaining of your points between Vitality and Vigor. With a build like this, you should attempt to gain as much Vitality as possible since the higher your capacity to trade, the better your odds of getting successful deals in.
The mighty hammer of Ledo
Attribute | Detail |
Physical Assault | 170 |
Magical Assault | 0 |
Attack of the Fire | 0 |
Lightning Strike | 0 |
Attack of the Dark | 0 |
Critical | 100 |
Weight | 28 |
Physical Protection | 85 |
Magical Protection | 55 |
Defend against fire | 60 |
Defense Against Lightning | 55 |
Stability | 50 |
Durability | 310 |
Type of Weapon | mighty hammer |
Skill | Stone’s Call |
Type of Attack | Strike |
Cost-cutting | 25(-/25) |
The mighty hammer of Ledo is one of the strongest if not the strongest weapon in the game depending on your build. Hailed as the monstrosity from The Ringed DLC, the weapon gets a bonus R1 Jumping Attack which is a great high damage jumping combo.
It has the highest AR in the game with 681 AR on a 66 Strength Build. So, even if somebody have a high degree of absorption, this hammer will still two-shot them, which is depending on their total absorption.
Aside from that, the weapon is the heaviest in the game, and its regular move set provides you a great deal of customization, especially considering its massive size. As previously said, one of its main advantages is its powerful strike, which causes a lot of damage for such a short charge time.
For a Strength weapon, it has an amazing skill aptly titled Stone’s Call. With it, you unleash a fast spinning attack with a charged strong attack ending with a ground smash that scatters all the stones that are accumulated around the armor. From our experience, there’s hardly a build that can survive against this ruthless combo.
Bonus Tip: Equipping the Haven’s Ring, Chloranthy Ring, and Ring of Favor is your best choice if you’re concerned about the weapon’s high weight and stamina requirements. Fortunately, all of them can be found in the Ringed DLC as well!
If you don’t choose to go for the last assault, the stones will surround you for 7 seconds, increasing the hammer’s total damage. You may also scatter the stones everywhere to do enormous AoE damage. This allows you to utilize the strike strategically, making it less predictable.
However, there are several limitations to the weapon. It is the game’s heaviest weapon, weighing in at 28 units. While it has a fantastic move set, it is exceedingly sluggish and simple to anticipate, particularly for experienced players. Plus, once you start using it, you’ll immediately notice how unpleasant the restriction of view caused by its large size is. Furthermore, since the hammer depletes a significant amount of stamina, you’ll need a high level of Endurance to properly chain an attack with it.
Greataxe of the Black Knight
Attribute | Detail |
Physical Assault | 218 |
Magical Assault | 0 |
Attack of the Fire | 0 |
Lightning Strike | 0 |
Attack of the Dark | 0 |
Critical | 100 |
Weight | 19.5 |
Physical Protection | 60 |
Magical Protection | 45 |
Defend against fire | 50 |
Defense Against Lightning | 40 |
Stability | 45 |
Durability | 150 |
Type of Weapon | Greataxe |
Skill | War Cry |
Type of Attack | Standard |
Cost-cutting | 20(-/-) |
The Greataxe of the Black Knight has a wide-sweeping move set that allows you to take on ganks with ease. While viable in all Souls’ games, the Greataxe sees significant buffs in Dark Souls 3 which makes it one of the best in the game.
The Greataxe, like many other axes before it, has the Warcry talent, which rises in effectiveness based on the amount of Strength points you’ve spent. As a result, it’s no surprise that the weapon demonstrates its lethality in our specific configuration. While it does do 20% more damage to demons, we’re mostly concerned with PvP.
Bonus Tip: If you’re going to use this weapon, make sure you have plenty of poise and a tiny dagger or a faster weapon in reserve for when the adversary is down to their final sliver of health. Furthermore, if they have Tears of Denial, you will need Church Shivs.
And it definitely delivers in that regard. In comparison to previous Greataxes, the weapon has an entirely unique moveset. As a result, you’ll be able to swing about freely while also guaranteeing that your movements are less predictable than those of other Greataxes. Furthermore, all of its Strong Attacks inflict Poise damage to the adversary, which might help you win the fight.
However, the meta has progressed significantly since the game’s inception. With this weapon, you won’t be able to make any creative combinations. As a result, although the Weapon Art causes a lot of damage, competent opponents are likely to flee owing to your telegraphed maneuvers. When using this weapon, you’ll need to keep an eye on your stamina since you’ll be using a lot of it.
The Great Machete of Yhorm
Attribute | Detail |
Physical Assault | 185 |
Magical Assault | 0 |
Attack of the Fire | 0 |
Lightning Strike | 0 |
Attack of the Dark | 0 |
Critical | 100 |
Weight | 19.0 |
Physical Protection | 55 |
Magical Protection | 45 |
Defend against fire | 40 |
Defense Against Lightning | 40 |
Stability | 40 |
Durability | 150 |
Type of Weapon | Greataxe |
Skill | War Cry |
Type of Attack | Standard |
Cost-cutting | 20(-/-) |
If you haven’t noticed already, we’re big fans of Greataxes, and The Great Machete of Yhorm is perhaps one of the most fun weapons to play with on this list. Already having the aforementioned War Cry buff, A scaling in strength, and only requiring 10 in Dexterity and nothing else.
With that criterion, it’s evident that you won’t need to spend points on other attributes, allowing you to focus your points on Strength, making this weapon ideal for a pure Strength build. The reason this weapon, or any Greataxe for that matter, is so good is that it has a rapid Strike Down action that enables you to get 2-3 hits in a row.
Bonus Tip: If the Machete isn’t catching adversaries that attempt to spin about on you, consider coupling it with a Longsword for even faster attacks!
The weapons have a greater scaling than other weapons, with a maximum strength of 45. Furthermore, it has a long reach and is the game’s longest Greataxe, letting you to attack adversaries from afar. Aside from that, it has its own version of the Warcry boost, which allows you to strike while standing still.
If you’ve played a lot of Greataxes though, you might find the moveset a bit repetitive. Unlike the Greataxe of the Black Knight, you’ll be doing a lot of Downward Smash attacks. However, due to their pace, they’re still quite effective in a PvP setting.
The weapon’s major flaw, in our view, is that it requires a very specific build to function well. You’ll need a 100% pure Strength build to make the Machete function due to its minimal dependence on other stats and inability to use in two-handed form.
You’ll have a hard time finding another pure Strength weapon that provides the same amount of damage while still being swift. As a result, we strongly advise using the Machete against more agile opponents.
Greatsword Fume Ultra
Attribute | Detail |
Physical Assault | 149 |
Magical Assault | 0 |
Attack of the Fire | 0 |
Lightning Strike | 0 |
Attack of the Dark | 0 |
Critical | 100 |
Weight | 25.5 |
Physical Protection | 80 |
Magical Protection | 55 |
Defend against fire | 65 |
Defense Against Lightning | 60 |
Stability | 55 |
Durability | 170 |
Type of Weapon | Greatsword Ultra |
Skill | Stomp |
Type of Attack | Strike |
Cost-cutting | 10(-/18) |
The Greatsword Fume Ultra, better known as FUGS within the Dark Souls community is one of the most used weapons in the game and rightfully so. While it has gone through some nerfs over the years, it still maintains itself as a viable pick in the current meta, especially for players who’ve heavily invested into Strength.
Twinkling Titanite may boost this weapon to a maximum of +5. Normally, a Magic spell cannot be used to boost a Special weapon. The FUGS, on the other hand, defies this limitation and may therefore be infused with a Lightning Blade. When confronted with certain builds, this ability makes the FUGS incredibly strong.
The weapon, however, is exceedingly difficult to make since it demands 50 Strength and a lot of Dexterity. Its A Scaling in terms of Strength, on the other hand, enables it to do huge quantities of damage immediately away.
Bonus Tip: The FUGS is one of the game’s most popular weapons! As a result, you may find yourself up against a slew of opponents who can successfully counter it. Take care while using it!
Moreover, once you’ve gotten into the groove of the Greatsword Fume Ultra, you’ll be able to block hits quite effectively as its attack animations also include a momentary point where you can block a player’s oncoming attack while charging your own. Moreover, instead of a regular parry, you’ll be able to perform an overhead swing which can block one hit from an enemy too.
When it comes to the moveset, the FUGS really stand out. You’ll be able to combat players with daggers, with the four-hit restriction often associated with heavier weapons having no effect when you three-shot your opponents. You receive a second hit after the first one, and you’ve reduced your opponent’s health to 25%.
However, the fact that you have to base your entire build on this particular weapon, and combined with the moveset not having any clear combos, the Greatsword Fume Ultra can be a pain to deal with in some instances.
Greataxe, Dragonslayer
Attribute | Detail |
Physical Assault | 200 |
Magical Assault | 0 |
Attack of the Fire | 0 |
Lightning Strike | 0 |
Attack of the Dark | 0 |
Critical | 100 |
Weight | 20 |
Physical Protection | 55 |
Magical Protection | 45 |
Defend against fire | 45 |
Defense Against Lightning | 45 |
Stability | 40 |
Durability | 160 |
Type of Weapon | Greataxes |
Skill | Bolts Falling |
Type of Attack | Standard |
Cost-cutting | 35(-/-) |
The Greataxe, Dragonslayer has long stood the test of time as one of the most reliable Strength weapons in Dark Souls 3. Sadly, it has always been overshadowed by the aforementioned Greataxe of the Black Knight. However, in our opinion, this weapon has its own merits.
The weapon deals an excessive amount of damage from the very start and only requires 40 Strength in order to be wielded. The weapon is imbued with Lightning that allows you to take on enemies which are prone to Elemental attacks as well. Besides that though, the Greataxe, Dragonslayer is renowned for its high DPS and is useful for both PvE and PvP.
Bonus Tip: Because of its huge AoE damage, the Greataxe’s unique talent, although fantastic for single target adversaries, also helps you wipe away waves of enemies.
In terms of playability, the R1 strike is deceptively swift, enabling you to follow up with a devastating combination. However, if that fails, you still have your L1 attack, which can one-shot practically every build in the game. So, even if you’re down to your final few health points, you’ll still have a fighting chance.
Because it’s a Greataxe, you’ll be doing a lot of Poise damage, which will enable you to stagger adversaries if you don’t kill them first. The weapon’s most notable feature, though, is its one-of-a-kind talent, Failing Bolt. You’ll be able to deliver massive quantities of damage in a single hit, making it one of the most powerful talents in the game.
When utilizing this weapon in PvP, one of the more efficient playstyles for us was to invest heavily in Stamina. What good does it do? You may try scoring a few strikes and then pausing for a little moment.
Once you’ve done that, your opponent is likely to believe you’ve run out of stamina. Then, with a quick stroke, roll away from them. While this technique was a little cheeky, it was probably the most successful owing to the minimal likelihood of hitting your target with these weapons.
The Mad King’s Crucifix
Attribute | Detail |
Physical Assault | 124 |
Magical Assault | 0 |
Attack of the Fire | 0 |
Lightning Strike | 0 |
Attack of the Dark | 74 |
Critical | 100 |
Weight | 12 |
Physical Protection | 45 |
Magical Protection | 30 |
Defend against fire | 25 |
Defense Against Lightning | 25 |
Stability | 25 |
Durability | 80 |
Type of Weapon | Halberd |
Skill | Folly of the Mad King |
Type of Attack | Strike / Standard |
Cost-cutting | -(-/17) |
The The Mad King’s Crucifix is perhaps the most unique weapon in the game and is extremely strong too. Since it’s a halberd, the weapon has a range greater than most other weapons but still falls short compared to any other weapon in this list.
Each stroke, however, does both physical and dark damage, which scales with your Strength and Faith. As a result, the build excels in builds that place a strong focus on these two attributes. Apart from that, you’ll have to customize your construction to meet its special needs.
The Crucifix, like Greatswords and Greataxes, is the only halberd that deals Poise Damage. In a duel, this implies you’ll be able to stagger your opponents. Furthermore, unlike other halberds that have a sweeping strike, the Crucifix’s powerful assaults are comparable to those of a Great Club and are unparryable.
What makes this weapon exceptionally strong is its ability to be buffed with Twinkling Titanite and also having the ability to be casted on with a Dark Blade increasing its overall damage even further. When buffed in this manner, you’ll be able to deal as much damage as the Greatsword Fume Ultra while gaining all the innate advantages a halberd has.
Bonus Tip: If you’re dealing with a less-than-skilled opponent, consider employing the Crucifix; because to its rather unexpected moveset, you may be able to sneak in a victory.
Besides that, the Crucifix comes with a unique skill, Folly of the Mad King. Your initial attack deals tons of Poise Damage and randomly deals one of three enchantments each devastating in their own way. This allows for a great deal of versatility as each enchantment has a different counter which your foe might not be aware of.
The Crucifix, on the other hand, comes with a few limitations. Many spears and reapers are outranged by it, allowing it to be exploited rather readily. However, due to the fact that it is a halberd, it consumes a significant amount of stamina. As a result, you’ll have to put in a lot more Endurance than you’d want while using the weapon.
From our experience, you’ll not find this weapon being used a lot in PvP, and rightfully so. While very powerful, the weapon is extremely unpredictable and demands an extremely specific build. However, if used appropriately, the The Mad King’s Crucifix deals a devastating amount of damage and its attacks can be extremely unpredictable.
The Hammer of Quakestone
Attribute | Detail |
Physical Assault | 189 |
Magical Assault | 0 |
Attack of the Fire | 0 |
Lightning Strike | 0 |
Attack of the Dark | 0 |
Critical | 100 |
Weight | 15 |
Physical Protection | 55 |
Magical Protection | 40 |
Defend against fire | 35 |
Defense Against Lightning | 35 |
Stability | 40 |
Durability | 150 |
Type of Weapon | mighty hammer |
Skill | Quake |
Type of Attack | Strike |
Cost-cutting | 12 (-/10) |
Found in the Ashes of Ariandel DLC, The Hammer of Quakestone is extremely powerful with a rather unique skill. In terms of range, it ties up with other hammers and deals a decent amount of damage. However, it requires only 27 Strength for it to be wielded two-handed which makes it an exceptional early to mid-game weapon.
Aside from the aforementioned one-of-a-kind talent, Quake requires you to bash your hammer downwards. The hammer, however, gets propelled higher after the impact if you chain it with a hard assault. While the strike is rather predictable, it may be utilized to assault foes that are unfamiliar with how the weapon works.
While it is worse than most other mighty hammers, it still is a fun weapon to play around with. Its major downside is the fact that your L2 and R2 take up 45-40% of your Stamina bar. So, you won’t be able to spam hits anytime soon. Plus, your Weapon Art, doesn’t deal a lot more damage as compared to a regular attack which is quite underwhelming especially compared to other weapons in this list.
Related: Dark Souls III’s 7 Best Off-Hand Weapons
In terms of damage and range, the weapon does not compare to the others on this list, in our opinion. However, as previously said, it is an excellent starter weapon, and if this is your first time attempting a pure Strength build, it will serve as an excellent stepping stone!
You’ll probably switch to Ledo’s or Yhorm’s over this weapon once you reach the late game, since they are better in virtually every manner. While the Weapon Art is handy in PvE (because to the AoE damage), you won’t encounter many adversaries who will fall for it on a regular basis.
Is It Necessary To Strengthen All Strength Weapons?
To use Strength weapons, you don’t necessarily need to have a pure Strength Build. To be able to handle the weapon, all you need is enough Strength. The majority of the weapons indicated above, however, scale best with Strength. As a result, if you invest in other attributes, you will lose out on a lot of damage, which is why it is normally preferable to equip these weapons only if you are investing in Strength.
In Dark Souls 3, are Strength Weapons Slow?
Yes, Strength weapons are heavier than most other weapons and are therefore quite slow. It comes off to no one’s surprise that an Greatsword Ultra which weighs a few hundred kilograms won’t swing as fast as a dagger. However, their slow attacks can be offset with a combination of waiting for the right time to strike and knowing your range really well.
In a strength build, how many strength points should I have?
Strength can reach 99. Strength levels of 66, on the other hand, are recommended. Anything more isn’t worth it since the benefits decline with time. You’ll be able to use any Strength weapon in the game at Level 66, with its scaling increased to the maximum.
In Dark Souls 3, what is the best strength weapon?
The mighty hammer of Ledo is the best Strength weapon in the game. It deals massive amounts of damage, has a strong AoE presence and its moveset can one-shot almost every other build in the game. However, it is also the heaviest weapon in the game and requires a very specific build for it to be even marginally effective.
That concludes our list of the top Dark Souls 3 Strength Weapons. Overall, your build has a significant influence on which weapons perform best for you. Furthermore, whether you want a stronger PvE or PvP weapon might have a significant impact on your chosen weapons.
The “best strength dex weapon dark souls 3” is a list of the 7 best Strength weapons in Dark Souls 3. The list includes a variety of weapons, such as swords and greatswords.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the best strength scaling weapon in Dark Souls?
A: The Greatsword, the War Axe and the Ultra Greatsword are all suited for both Strength scaling and Magic scaling.
What is the best weapon in ds3?
A: The best weapon in dark souls 3 is the bow, followed by the zweihander.
What is the most op weapon in Dark Souls 3?
A: The most powerful weapon in Dark Souls 3 is the Greataxe.
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