The game, which was released in 2016 by Sony Interactive Entertainment, is one of the best-selling games for any system. In it’s initial release on PS4, A Thief’s End had a whopping 4 million copies sold to date. The game starts with protagonist Nate Drake receiving a treasure map from his old partner Victor Sullivan who has since died of cancer and left this task up to him before he passed away.
The “uncharted 4 want farrell mayes solution” is a puzzle in Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End. When solving the puzzle, you need to find all of the answers to the Founders puzzle.
Those in Chapter 11 will be challenged with finding out which pirates represent various puzzle pieces on a board labeled “Founders” and then rotating them in a precise sequence for the board to trigger a passage way, which is one of the most difficult puzzles in Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End. There are many steps to this, but it can be completed in a flash if you know all of the answers ahead of time.
Instructional puzzle
Nate will have to align the stars depicted on the edges of two square pieces for the first task in the Founders Puzzle. Simply rotate the skull to the left and the arm piece to the right to achieve this. It should resemble the picture above if done properly.
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Second puzzle
You’ll need to go to specific rooms that unlock after you finish the previous problem for this and subsequent stages of the puzzle. The triangle button will subsequently be used to monitor and write down red squares embedded in each artwork. The artwork on the left in the first chamber will have a red square on the pirate’s clothing, while the second and third paintings will have squares in the bottom-right corners.
This will enable you to practice moving and rotating the parts about in your notebook — or, alternatively, we can simply tell you. Return to the next task after scanning each artwork and first move the pair of skeletons to the left. Then, to finish it, position the Pegasus’ legs to the left and face the snake piece downward.
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the third puzzle
After you’ve completed the second portion, go to the chamber on the right, which has three additional paintings. The red square in the bottom-left corner of William Mayes’ picture will be the same as the red square next to the pirate’s pipe in the center artwork. After that, using Sully, take up the artwork to the right, then locate and scan the square adjacent to the pirate’s weapon.
Rotate the pair of dolphins so that the white one is facing down for the following set of pieces. The center piece should then be moved to the left once again, since the right piece’s skeleton hands must be pointing down.
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4th puzzle
The chamber just ahead of the puzzle board should now open, containing four burned paintings, making the scanning procedure more difficult.
You may scan the square from the right side of the artwork, near to the man’s elbow, starting with the painting on the far-left side of the room. The square in the top-right corner will be used for the second painting, which should depict a guy holding tiger skin. The square for the painting of a guy wielding a curved blade will be on his scarlet belt, while the square for the final painting will be on the pirate’s knapsack.
Return to the board and begin by moving the scale graphic on the left side downward, then rotating the eel so it is facing up. Finally, both the devil and the tiger should be looking downward. Thankfully, you’ll be greeted with a cutscene shortly thereafter, indicating that the puzzle is now complete.
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Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End – Treasure Locations Chapter 11
The “uncharted 4 puzzle chapter 9” is the last chapter of the game. In this chapter, all answers to the Founders puzzle can be found.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do you do the founders puzzle in Uncharted 4?
A: It is a very difficult puzzle that requires you to use the movement of your character in order to figure out how to solve it. You must also make sure not to get hit by enemies, as this would cause you damage and mess up your progress in solving it.
How do you beat the puzzle in Uncharted 4?
A: The puzzle in Uncharted 4 is a combination of several different puzzles, so to beat the game you would have to complete each individual puzzle one by one.
How do you solve the puzzle in Chapter 9 of Uncharted 4?
A: There are three different switches that need to be turned on in order for the door to open. Each switch is behind a small wall, so you cant see it through the gate. The first one needs to be used with your treasure map and knife, as indicated by the passage of writing across its surface.
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