G4TV’s coverage of “sexism in gaming” led to an outcry from viewers, and the network has had to apologize. The controversy appears to have been a high point for the #GamerGate movement, but G4 is trying to put it behind them. What happens when mainstream media becomes too eager for clicks?
The “g4 ovilee may” was a video that had a lot of backlash from viewers. The video showed what the hosts thought were sexist moments in gaming, but then it turned out that they were all fake.
After an epic “Sexism in Gaming” meltdown, G4 hides the backlash from viewers.
Computer and video games
G4 has returned to the gaming world after a nearly ten-year sabbatical, with presenter Indiana “Froskurinn” Black launching an epic breakdown tirade against “sexism in gaming.”
@Froskurinn and the ladies in the space photo have our support. twitter.com/oEU9gFPCkc
January 11, 2022 — G4TV (@G4TV)
She targeted viewers and chat participants in her diatribe, claiming that there would be blowback against her on the program “because I’m not as bangable as the last presenter.”
“Women do not exist to be good on the eyes for you,” Froskurinn added in the video, which has received over 1 million views on Twitter. Morgan Webb, Olivia Munn didn’t exist to make you look good.”
However, if Froskurinn is lamenting “sexism” and not being “bangable” while assaulting the audience, the producers of Olivia Munn’s prior program should be on her radar as well.
The video below comprises snippets from earlier episodes that promote Olivia Munn’s debut to G4’s male viewers. Should Froskurinn blame the fans for watching the program or the producers for developing and producing parts that targeted a male audience by utilizing Olivia Munn’s body?
She goes on to emphasize that the program is a team effort, while colleague G4 presenter Adam Sessler claps up and down like a seal pleading for a kipper on the screen in the background.
Take a look at Sessler and Black’s prior tweets, and it’s evident they support one political party, even going so far as to say:
I don’t want Trump supporters to be my supporters. Cheers
November 7, 2020 — MGKurinn (@Froskurinn)
This enrages millions of Trump supporters in the United States, some of whom may be among G4’s almost 500 thousand YouTube followers.
Meanwhile, Sessler is said to have dubbed Republicans “a terrorist organization,” among other things, in a series of tweets.
This takes us to today’s G4 YouTube live, when channel admins were busily removing comments and concealing individuals. “I responded just as my DDayCobra account, and I was like, ‘Hey, that ratio, however,” Geeks + Gamers’ Jeremy Griggs, or DDayCobra on YouTube, remarked in a recent video. They took down my remark and kicked me off their channel.”
“You earned it, and people are calling you out for it, properly so,” he says, pointing out that they earned the ratio by abusing their supporters, and now they’re suppressing criticism, which makes it appear even worse. Not to add that your host, in an attempt to create a false sense of righteousness, chose to inform 75 million Americans that they were not welcome as supporters. They are not welcome to watch G4.”
Here are a couple tweets with screenshots of removed comments.
@G4TV is removing comments lol pic.twitter.com/EfP1xDFNMI @G4TV is deleting comments lol pic.twitter.com/EfP1xDFNMI
— January 13, 2022, DDayCobra (@DDay Cobra)
pic.twitter.com/PiTXHbpjoK https://t.co/iRwq1NkFS7 pic.twitter.com/PiTXHbpjoK
— January 13, 2022, DDayCobra (@DDay Cobra)
Krista Novva, another Geeks + Gamers member, had her complimentary Olivia Munn remark removed.
My remark on @G4TV was just removed from their live stream…
This was my response: pic.twitter.com/dFjcwCrWuR
January 13, 2022 — krista (@kristanovva)
The insanity of G4’s comments section with several deleted chat conversations is shown in the following @HAWTToys tweet.
STOP RIGHT NOW! The G4 chat is a really friendly environment. When they aren’t being removed, these folks are saying “Hi” and “Welcome.” pic.twitter.com/1Hu9BPIBzH
January 13, 2022 — HvB (@HAWTToys)
“If you don’t like it, don’t watch it,” Froskurinn concluded her outburst. Eric July, a YouTube commenter, compared it to a comics writer who stated something similar. “If you don’t like my politics, don’t purchase my book,” Kelly Sue DeConnick used to say.
Following the initial outpouring of support and interest in Froskurinn’s outburst, as well as the subsequent banning of channels from the chat, it will be fascinating to watch how G4’s new programs do with snubbed audiences in the future.
Watch This Video-
The “is froskurinn a man” is the name of an article that was published on G4’s website. The article discusses sexism in gaming, and how it is being addressed by developers.
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