In order to get your very own ghostly robes, you’ll have to complete a long and arduous quest chain. There are many other ways to acquire them though!
The “how to get ghostly robes osrs” is a question that has been asked many times. There are multiple ways of obtaining the robes, but one way is through the Treasure Hunter promotion.
Ghostly Robes may be earned by completing the Curse of the Empty Lord miniquest, which requires you to track down six distinct ghosts.
Each of them will hand you a piece of the puzzle and a suggestion as to where you may discover the next one.
We’ll walk you through the full procedure step by step below.
To begin and finish this miniquest, you’ll need to do the following:
- Complete The Restless Ghost.
- Bring a Ghostspeak Amulet
- Begin the “Desert Treasure” quest until you have a Ring of Visibility, which takes 53 thieving (unboostable). If you’ve misplaced your Ring, you may get it back by speaking with Rasolo near Baxtorian Falls.
- It’s a one-in-three probability that you’ll require 31 Prayer (unboostable). At the start of the mission, you’ll be able to tell if you’ll need it or not.
So, let’s get started!
The beginning point for the Ghostly Robes quest may be found on the map.
For all of the steps, you’ll need your Ring of Visibility and a Ghostspeak Amulet.
You may bank the Ghostly pieces as you go, and if you want to, you can drop trick them for duplicates.
Begin with Valdez The Explorer.
Outside Glarial’s Tomb (the cave you may access with Glarial’s Pebble), you’ll find Valdez the Explorer (Mysterious Stranger).
Speaking with him will reward you with a Ghostly Robe Top and a pointer as to where the next ghost may be found.
You will have to follow a certain course of this guide, according to what he says. It’s worth mentioning that ghosts will emerge at any spot, but you’ll need to get to the proper location in the correct sequence.
If the ghost suggests…
- Go to Path 1 below for Pirates and a Shipwreck.
- Go to Path 2 below if you’re a thief northeast of here (31 prayer required)
- Path 3 is for the thief southeast of here.
Path 1 – A Shipwreck And Pirates
1A — Talk to Rennard at the extreme north of the Wilderness, near the boat containing Larran’s Chest, between the Wilderness Agility Course and the Pirates’ Hideout.
He’ll hand over the Ghostly Gloves to you.
You are welcome to deposit them in the Mage Arena bank!
1B – Kharrim may be located near the Chaos Altar hut in level 38 Wilderness, a little farther south.
Be aware that this is a PKing hotspot, so be on the lookout for PKers!
If you talk to him, you’ll get the Ghostly Boots. After this, you won’t want to return to the Wilderness.
1C – Lennissa has entered the Entrana church (don’t worry, the Ghostspeak Amulet and Ring of Visibility may be brought to Entrana).
You’ll receive your Ghostly Bottoms after speaking. There are two more to go!
1D – Dhalak is located near Draynor Village on the bottom level of Wizard’s Tower.
After a little conversation, he’ll hand up the Ghostly Hood.
1E – Finally, Viggora is on the 1st (not the ground) level of Rogues’ Castle, deep in the Wilderness once again.
It’s the same room that yields a Bronze Sq Shield. He’ll hand over the Ghostly Cloak to you.
Congratulations for finishing the set of Ghostly Robes! If you lose anything, you may return to Valdez at Glarial’s Tomb and he’ll give you a replacement of whatever you’ve lost.
Path 2 – Northeast Of Here Thief
2A – Speak with Rennard at the Bandit Camp, which is located inside the Wilderness.
This one may be hard; if necessary, attempt to trap the robbers inside the grocery store. He’ll hand over the Ghostly Robes to you.
Although the next one is close by, you may want to bank them.
2B – Kharrim may be found in the Graveyard of Shadows, slightly north of Ferox Enclave and east of the Bandit Camp.
To get the Ghostly Boots, speak with him.
After this, you won’t want to return to the Wilderness.
2C – Lennissa has arrived at Port Sarim, where she will board the boat that will take her to Crandor in Dragon Slayer.
She’ll hand over the Ghostly Bottoms to you.
2D – Dhalak is at the Edgeville Monastery, near the altar, upstairs (needing 31 Prayer).
After a little conversation, he’ll gift you the Ghostly Hood.
2E – Viggora is near the Infernal Mages on the first level (not the bottom floor) of the Slayer Tower in Canifis.
He’ll give you a Ghostly Cloak to wear.
Congratulations for finishing the set of Ghostly Robes! If you lose anything, you may return to Valdez at Glarial’s Tomb and he’ll give you a replacement for whatever you’ve lost.
Path 3 – Thief in the Southeast
3A – In the Desert Bandit Camp, inside the bar, speak with Rennard.
You’ll get a pair of Ghostly Gloves from him.
3B – Kharrim lies deep inside the Lava Maze in the Wilderness (not down the ladders!). Bring a slashing weapon with you!
He’ll hand you a pair of Ghostly Boots.
3C – Lennissa is just south of the Gnomeball field, within Tree Gnome Stronghold.
After a little conversation, she’ll hand over the Ghostly Bottoms.
3D – Dhalak is located in the Falador Party Room, which is located upstairs.
He’ll hand over the Ghostly Hood to you. There’s one more to go!
3E – Viggora patrols the Edgeville Dungeon’s north Earth Warrior position. Keep in mind that you’re in the middle of the Wilderness! If you’re having difficulties with the Earth Warriors, try putting Viggora between you and the Warriors.
You’ll get a Ghostly Cloak if you talk to him.
Congratulations for finishing the set of Ghostly Robes! If you lose anything, you may return to Valdez at Glarial’s Tomb and he’ll give you a replacement for whatever you’ve lost.
After you’ve obtained your Ghostly Robes, you may choose to complete The General’s Shadow, a separate miniquest that awards you the Shadow Sword, a set-matching weapon.
The “how to get multiple ghostly robes?” is a question that has been asked many times. The answer is that you can purchase the item from Solomon’s General Store.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do you get ghostly robe bottoms?
A: The ghostly robe bottoms is a limited time item you can get in the shop.
How do you get ghostly hood?
A: You can purchase it from the in-game store.
How do I start curse of the empty Lord?
A: To start the Curse of the Empty Lord, you must have an empty Lord.
Related Tags
- how to get ghostly robes back osrs
- curse of the empty lord osrs
- shadow sword osrs
- ghostly robes rs3
- ring of visibility osrs
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