The Gemini main quest in Horizon Forbidden West is a tough one. You have to not only talk your way through the story, but you also have to complete increasingly difficult tasks throughout various sections of the game. This guide will walk you through how to get past each task and unlock this major milestone on your journey towards becoming a champion of The Rightful King.
The “horizon forbidden west main quests” is a quest that can be completed in Horizon Forbidden West. The quest will have you fighting against the Gemini, who are trying to take over the world.
Horizon Forbidden West’s Gemini is one of the game’s last primary objectives. While a diversion is created around them, Aloy and her comrades must transport GAIA to the Gemini Cauldron and unite her with Hephaestus. This tutorial will show you how to accomplish the quest so you don’t get stuck.
First and foremost, Beta and Varl must be protected.
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You’ll be taken to Cauldron Gemini as soon as you’ve talked to everyone and begun the quest. Beta vanishes and summons robots to attack after setting up the mechanism for GAIA to begin catching and transferring her last subordinate AI. Use your finest weaponry to slay two formidable robots in a very tiny arena.
Because both of the machines attacking you are vulnerable to acid damage, use any weapon that can deal it to eliminate the smaller machine first. Because of its size and the strength of its assaults, the Behemoth is the most difficult monster to defeat. After triggering an acid attack, we discovered that employing a Spike Thrower was the most effective technique to reduce it down to size. Keep a safe distance from Varl and pick up the arrows he gives you. If you can pick them up, there’s no need to make new ones.
Step 2: Pursue Hephaestus.
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Then you must go into the tunnel where Hephaestus fled and push it out. Before entering a massive construction room, you’ll need to glide across a gap and then use your Pullcaster to unlock a battery. You don’t need to worry about this for the time being, so go through the enormous aperture.
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In this location, there are two ways you may take. However, we propose first climbing to the rail and then hopping onto the hovering freight robots. They’ll transfer Aloy to the next room, where you may clear a terminal.
Step 3: Get rid of Hephaestus by defeating the machines.
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Leaplashers and a Grimhorn are among the devices in this room. Get rid of the Leaplashers first since they can leap to any location. Because the Grimhorn is trapped on the lower level, you may dispatch it with any weapon from a position of relative safety after the Leaplashers have been dispatched. Finally, delete Hephaestus by overriding the terminal.
Step 4: Deconstruct the second compartment.
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You’ll have to return to the main hallway to go to the second room. However, since parts of the floor have been electrified, you’ll need to go up high to prevent receiving damage and dying. Move to the other side of the passage this time and leap onto the rail so Aloy may use it as a zip line to enter the second room.
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There are several smaller machines to remove in this room, such as Red Eye Watchers. Individually, they’re not a big deal, but as a group, they may soon overwhelm you. Take your time and use the stealth vents placed throughout the room to eliminate each machine silently. Override the terminal once again once you’ve destroyed all the machines.
Step 5: Slaughterspine must be killed.
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After returning to the construction room, you’ll see a massive machine emerge, the game’s largest. This is a Slaughterspine, and it’s a very difficult opponent to defeat. Before you do anything else, scan it to discover whether it’s vulnerable to frost harm. Then, using any ice weapon at your disposal, build up that element and freeze it for a brief time. Deal harm to any exposed portion you can after it’s frozen. Shoot the purple modules that protrude from its side as it starts charging its plasma strike to halt it and do more damage. Because you may shear off several pieces early on, anything that does rip damage will drastically speed up the combat.
Step 6: Stay tuned till the very end.
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Every task offers critical plot facts at this stage in the game. You must observe everything that occurs in front of Aloy and her pals in order to comprehend their goals for the remainder of the game. This is when the game’s closing hours truly kick into high gear, and rushing through them will cost you dearly.
The “horizon forbidden west cauldron locations” is a quest in the game Horizon Forbidden West. The objective of the quest is to find and complete 3 cauldrons.
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