I am an orc who is just starting out on my adventure to find the truth of Nineveh Rapport. I need help from someone else in this dungeon!
The “lost ark start of our story” is a quest in the game Nineveh Rapport. The player must complete it to continue with the game.
Nineveh is a sidereals and a Lazenith archer who aided in the conclusion of the China war. She’s a happy person who can converse with anybody in the mortal realm. Nineveh is also a great NPC to do rapport with, and this tutorial will explain how to go to Nineveh as well as the advantages of completing maximum rapport with Nineveh.
Story of the Whispering Islet
Nineveh is situated on the Whispering islet. To complete the task, go to the Whispering islet, which is located northwest of the Crescent Moon on the Rethramis continent. The island is a little palm tree symbol northwest of Rethramis and south of the Whispering Sea, so seek for it carefully.
Image from the game
When you arrive, set sail towards the Whispering Islet. This is a hard portion since Whispering Islet is divided into two big islands. You must first visit the Eastern Closed Beach. When you get to Closed Beach, speak with the NPC Allegro, who is marked with a purple exclamation mark. You must approach him and speak with him.
The beginning of our Story Quest
Once you’ve arrived to Closed, go to the top of the beach and speak with Allegro. He will provide you with the quest that is necessary to begin our story. You must now go to the main island, which is located to the south of Closed Beach. Tookokis, go to the huge Square Objects there, press (G), and you’ll be moved to the Forest’s pond.
Whistling Islet is a musical and cinematic island that you must enter via the Park in the Forest. As a result, there will be a few musical and cinematic sequences as you go over the island.
You’ve arrived in the Windhaven Garden. You’ll have to keep walking to the Windhaven Garden’s 1 symbol on the map, get close to it, and activity will indicate that someone is sleeping. You must play the song of the heart there.
When the medley is finished, a cinematic will appear, and Nineveh the Lazenith will awaken from her lengthy slumber and thank you, completing the mini-quest. Now you must complete your primary mission, which is to listen to Nineveh’s narrative and utilize her as a rapport.
You must go westward from where you assisted Nineveh in waking up. You’ll arrive to the Windy knoll, where you’ll encounter Nineveh. Talk to her and listen to her narrative. This will conclude our story’s first task.
Reward for Nineveh Rapport
You may do rapport with Nineveh if you believe you can connect and like her. Sing her new song, utilize emotes, and give her a present with your Dungeon cash. Do daily rapport to raise your rapport category, and if you keep practicing daily rapport, you will eventually attain maximum rapport with Nineveh.
If you conduct Rapport with Nineveh, the Rapport Rewards are really rather nice and gold-heavy.
- 5 Ancient Platinum coins (neutral)
- 1 × Stat Boosting Potion, 9 x 100-Gold Coins, 8 x Ancient Platinum Coins
- 5 × Battle item chest for recovery, 10 x 100-gold coin, 17 x Ancient platinum coins
- The 14th Epic Giant’s Heart, the Nineveh Legendary Card, and the Whispering Islet Token are all trusted.
The greatest part is that if you raise your rapport to a trustworthy level, you’ll be rewarded with the Whispering Islet Island Tokken.
The “let there be light lost ark” is a quest that can be completed in the game Nineveh Rapport. The start of this quest is to complete the story quest for Nineveh Rapport.
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