As the world’s most popular game, Fortnite has become a prime target for hackers. Some have already found ways to gain access and steal players’ data by exploiting VR headsets such as Oculus Rift or HTC Vive. The developer is now pushing out an update that will prevent these devices from being used in-game without entering a hard mode password first.,
Wheeled vehicles, whether they are tanks, trucks, or other wheeled vehicles, can be removed from battles in the game. This is a quick and easy way to take out these pesky opponents.
Wheeled vehicles rolled out across the world’s most fearsome battlegrounds throughout several of the twentieth century’s major battles. They operated alongside their tank brothers in a variety of missions, including reconnaissance, troop transport, and even anti-tank forces.
These fearsome armored fighters are now available in World of Tanks Modern Armor, beginning with the vehicles listed below:
- The French Tier VIII Panhard EBR 75 mle 1954 Light Tank is a new premium vehicle that will be released on February 1st.
- On February 8th, a new World War II French Tech Tree Wheeled Vehicle Line will be released in the game.
Wheeled vehicles behave differently than tanks you’re used with, despite the fact that they’re categorized as light tanks for gaming reasons. Some even have a brand-new Drive Mode function.
So, we’re here to prepare you to dominate your matches with an intro to these wily wheelies. Get primed with the Q&A below!
To begin, what are the fundamental distinctions between tanks and wheeled vehicles?
Tires replace treads on wheeled vehicles. As a result, they are unable to sit and spin in the same manner as classic tread-based tanks. To turn, they need momentum.
It also implies that when physics dictates it, such as falling down a slope or being destroyed while moving, wheeled vehicles will continue to roll or move.
Specific wheeled vehicles will also be able to change MODES OF DRIVE. They will be able to choose between Cruise Mode and Rapid Mode.
What is Cruise Mode, exactly?
When you first enter combat, the default Drive Mode for wheeled vehicles is Cruise Mode.
Your car will be slower in Cruise Mode, but you will have more agility and precision when driving. When fighting the adversary, use this mode.
In Cruise Mode, you’ll get the following experiences:
- For best grip, your vehicle’s retractable center wheels descend to contact the ground.
- The maximum speed and acceleration of your vehicle have been decreased.
- Your turning radius has shrunk, enhancing your maneuverability.
- The speed with which your turret rotates and the precision with which it moves have both increased.
When you see this symbol, you know you’re in Cruise Mode:
What about the Quick Mode?
When your car is quicker in Rapid Mode, you lose maneuverability and precision while driving. When you need to cover a lot of ground rapidly, choose this mode.
Important note: Rapid Mode will not be available to all wheeled vehicles. Only one Drive Mode will be used by a handful (but they will still be very fast)!
In Rapid Mode, you’ll encounter the following:
- To disengage from the ground and lessen resistance, your vehicle’s retractable wheels are elevated.
- Your peak speed and acceleration have both been better.
- Because your turning radius is bigger, you have less maneuverability.
- While moving, your turret rotation speed and accuracy are lowered.
When you see this symbol, you know you’re in Rapid Mode:
What is the procedure for switching between Cruise and Rapid Mode?
To switch between Cruise Mode and Rapid Mode if you’re using the default controller configuration, push left on the D-Pad. It works similarly to how Siege Mode tanks swap modes.
View the Controller Layout to discover which button in your control scheme triggers “Alt Mode.”
What will be the differences between the console and PC versions of the vehicles?
We change car stats and features to be appropriate for the WoTMA environment, as we do with all vehicles that come to WoTMA. We adjusted wheeled vehicles in general to stay true to their core use of fast-moving lights that can’t sit and spin (but use wheels to make tight turns), while also taking into account the various elements that can be used on them, such as Commander Skills, Equipment (they can use up to four pieces of Equipment), Consumables, and so on.
The wheeled vehicles, like real-world wheeled vehicles, may turn in a narrower radius at slower speeds. You will either have a greater turning radius or lose traction and begin to skid if you attempt to turn too hard at high speed.
Is the physics going to be the same?
Although the mechanics are similar, they are not identical.
What was the wheeled vehicle testing procedure like?
Wheeled vehicles have gone through Community Testing. Another Community Test is currently taking place as of this writing, with another scheduled for the near future.
Will there be any restrictions on the number of wheeled vehicles that may be used in a single game or by a single team?
Other than the standard matching rules, there will be no extra restrictions.
What are the benefits of using a wheeled vehicle?
Wheeled vehicles provide exceptional concealment and retain outstanding accuracy when moving. These vehicles are built to be mobile. If you like playing as an active scout, you’ll get a good sense of what these vehicles are capable of.
What are some of their flaws?
Wheeled vehicles, unlike tracked light tanks, have limited observation range, making them ineffective as passive spotters. When scouting in a wheeled vehicle, expect to keep moving.
These vehicles, as you would expect, are designed to get in and out of the action. To land your shots well while confronting adversaries, you’ll need to approach close to mid-range. Don’t attempt to battle from a distance on a ridgeline—not that’s where you’re at your best!
Is there a lot of overlap between the functions of wheeled vehicles and classic light tanks?
Traditional tracked light tanks have a distinct playstyle than wheeled vehicles. They’re made to travel quickly and have various turning and handling mechanics.
You’ll continue to love and be effective with light tracked tanks if you prefer to go to a point, sit and rotate in place, and spy that way. We recommend wheeled vehicles if you wish to attempt nimbler, keep-moving-and-do-drive-by-attack-runs.
If you test wheeled vehicles and find that the tracked lights are more to your liking, we urge you to stick with them. Stick with the wheeled playstyle if it appeals to you.
Will speed-enhancing Equipment and Consumables be available for wheeled vehicles?
They are unable to make advantage of the Traction System. Other boosts are permitted!
Which Commander Skills, Consumables, and Equipment would you recommend?
Our Lead Game Designer, Chuji, had the following to say:
“I’m speaking for myself, but I feel that the wheeled vehicle’s inherent core speed and nimbleness are sufficient for me in terms of speed and maneuverability.” So that I can make rapid reconnaissance runs, I prefer to augment scouting components (vision, radio, concealment) and accuracy. In addition, I run Repair since one decent hit with a HE shell damages the wheels. Being stuck in a wheeled vehicle is nearly always fatal.”
What about being hurt? Is it the same if a wheel is struck as if a tank is tracked?
Each wheel has its own hit and impact sites. It will lower the vehicle’s speed and maneuverability if it is damaged. Your speed will be lowered when more of your wheels are damaged.
The vehicle will still be able to move if all of its wheels are damaged, albeit at a slower pace and with less agility. A damaged wheel will be gradually restored to full health over time, or you may use a Fix Kit to repair it right away.
When the wheels of a wheeled vehicle are shot, how much will it slow down?
A wheeled vehicle with all four wheels destroyed will only be able to go at 15% of its maximum speed and will lose 90% of its power, implying that acceleration would be poor.
Will it be more difficult to fix wheels than tracks?
Possibly. Wheels are repaired per wheel rather than per track. As a result, numerous wheels may take longer to repair, while a single wheel may be quicker to repair than a single track.
Any additional pointers on how to play?
RATIONS are your ally in this situation! Need a quick reload, speed, maneuver, or other benefit to get out of trouble? Take the Rations and go! You’ll be able to fight another day.
After the French Tech Tree line, will we see additional wheeled lines in World War II mode?
Yup! Hopefully, we’ll be able to build more as soon as we’re able to make them and have them correctly balanced.
Is there going to be any weaponry on wheels?
At this moment, there are no intentions to do so.
Will the Cold War mode include any wheeled vehicles?
Absolutely! They’ll also need to be developed and balanced, but we’re excited to see them in Cold War engagements.
We hope you can’t wait to rush into combat with the new wheeled vehicles and show off your skills!
Keep an eye on our portal’s News page for updates. Just before their debut, we’ll post an article on the French Tier VIII Panhard EBR 75 mle 1954 Light Tank and another piece about the new Tech Tree wheeled vehicle series.
If you have any questions, please post them in the comments section and I’ll answer them!
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With the new year quickly approaching and a slew of new game releases on the horizon, it’s time to take a peek ahead at some of the year’s most anticipated titles. There are some fantastic games coming out in the next year for PC, Xbox, PS5, and all of your other favorite gaming platforms.
The “world of tanks” is a game that requires you to drive around on a tank while shooting at other tanks, and sometimes planes. It’s not too hard to win the game, but getting there can be difficult.
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