Here you’ll find the best methods for farming blood echoes to level up fast in Bloodborne. These are top-tier strategies that work without fail, and can be applied throughout the game’s lifespan. Each method also has a video link included so you can see it in action!.
Blood Echoes are a currency in Bloodborne. The best place to farm them early is the Cathedral Ward, where you can find a lot of enemies with blood echoes on them.
Farming Blood Echoes is the fastest method to level up in Bloodborne.
There are a dozen or more excellent agricultural paths for different levels and places, but we’ll focus on the top three:
- Werewolf farming in the early game (Central Yharnam)
- Executioner farming in the middle of the game (Hemwick Charnel Lane)
- Pig farming in the late stages (Nightmare of Mensis)
Choose the most recent agricultural location you’ve unlocked since that’s where you’ll find the most Blood Echoes.
Central Yharnam’s Early Game Farming
If you’re having trouble with the Cleric Beast or Father Gascoigne, this is the greatest approach to improve your character.
You must first unlock the shortcut gate to the left of the Central Yharnam light before you can begin farming. Once you’ve explored the rear half of Central Yharnam, you’ll be able to do so organically.
Head through the left gate and down the steps until you reach the darkish house from the Central Yharnam light.
After you’ve defeated all of the monsters in the house, exit via the upstairs door to find yourself on the bridge, where you’ll face the Cleric Beast.
You’ll find the two Werewolves to your right, who most likely murdered you the first time you came here. On this farm, you’re going after these werewolves.
Break some adjacent scenery to get their notice, then escape for your life back to the darkened home.
The werewolves will attempt to track you down, but they’ll become stuck in the entryway.
From the protection of your home, you may gradually deplete the Werewolves’ health until they succumb.
You’ll get about 1000 Blood Echoes if you kill both werewolves and the adversaries on the way to them.
Once you’ve mastered this approach, you’ll be able to harvest about 25,000 Blood Echoes every hour, which is a lot for a low-level character.
Make sure you have at least one insight before beginning this farm, since you’ll need it to level up your character. When you first see the Cleric Beast, you’ll get your first bit of knowledge.
Look at the number next to the eye symbol in the upper right corner of your screen to see how much insight you have.
Hemwick Charnel Lane Mid Game Farming
Hemwick Charnel Lane is a secret optional region to the left of the Grand Cathedral that you may access by taking a side road (where you fight Vicar Amelia).
Take the walk down into the woods from the cathedral, via the cemetery, and through the gates to Hemwick Charnel Lane.
After defeating the monster at the end of the section, light the Witches’ Abode Lamp and reload the area to begin farming.
Return the way you came in and take out the three adversaries with their backs to you from the light.
Deal with an Executioner down the hill first, since the combat will attract his attention.
Continue down the hill and battle the two Executioners that are strolling about the cemetery before returning to the light after he is dead.
These Executioners will drop roughly 2400 Echoes apiece, making up the majority of the Echoes you’ll acquire on this path.
While the Executioners are among the game’s most difficult foes in the early half, their parry windows are massive. So maintain your distance, practice your parries, and you’ll be able to take them out nearly immediately in no time.
Once you’ve mastered parrying the Executioners, this farm will get you slightly over 7500 Blood Echoes every run, and over 85,000 per hour.
Mensis’ Nightmare: Late Game Farming
In the main game, this is by far the finest Blood Echoes farming location.
After defeating Micolash, Host of The Nightmare in the Nightmare of Mensis, the Mergo’s Loft: Middle Lamp, the farm’s starting location, will be unlocked.
From here, climb the steps until you reach a huge level area with several Shadows of Yharnam on your left.
Quickly go over to the Shadows and deal with the first two before they approach the third.
Although these Shadows are significantly weaker than their boss counterparts, fighting them in groups is still simpler.
After killing the Shadows, go up the stairs to see a gigantic pig facing you.
On this farm, the pigs are where you’ll acquire the most of your Echoes.
The first enlarged pig is seen above. As you approach it, be cautious not to make it hear you.
Sneak up on it and use a charged R2 strike to stagger it (hopefully).
If it staggers, use an R1 assault to follow up with a visceral attack.
If it doesn’t stagger, move to the side to dodge its blows and hit it with another charged R2 before the combat becomes perilous.
Two additional pigs should start heading towards you from down the path after this pig is killed.
If they don’t, steadily approach them until they begin to move.
Run away as soon as they start moving and hide behind the bricks at the first little set of steps to avoid being seen.
The initial hiding area (seen above) — hide here after defeating the first pig.
Keep an eye on the pigs while you’re in the hiding area.
One will turn around and begin walking away, whilst the other will approach you much more closely.
Sprint towards this closer pig as soon as it turns around.
Because it will hear you approaching, escape the roar strike and go behind it for another charged R2.
Take care of the remainder of the pig’s health as quickly as you can, since the last pig may hear the battle and join in.
Get into a new hiding area to the right of the route, just before the next mini-flight of steps, if it hasn’t heard you yet.
The second hiding area (seen above) – hide here and wait for the last pig.
Return to the Hunter’s Dream to reload the region and spend your Echoes once it turns around.
Approximately 35,000 Blood Echoes may be obtained every run on this route.
Once you’ve mastered the path, you’ll be able to harvest 300,000 Echoes each hour.
The “bloodborne blood echo farming mid game” is a guide that shows the best methods for harvesting Blood Echoes. The “Blood Echoes Farming Guide (Best Methods)” is one of the most popular guides on
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the fastest way to get blood echoes in Bloodborne?
A: Blood echoes are the items that drop after defeating a boss, or can be found in some areas. The fastest way to get them is by using guns with high damage output and focusing on their dodge attacks.
Where is the best place to farm blood echoes?
A: A simple search on the internet will give you a large list of places where you can farm blood echoes.
How do I get infinite blood echoes?
A: Simply collect them. They are gained by destroying the red cubes in certain levels, and you will gain a new one for every 10 echoes collected.
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- bloodborne blood echoes
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