King Sierra is one of the most notorious video game characters. In his 20-year career, he’s defeated players who were once considered among gaming’s greatest and has gone on to spawn an entire genre of games that all involve a point scoring system. King Sierra recently announced there will be no more new challenges issued in 2022 so what player should do now?
The “how to beat sierra pokémon go” is a strategy guide that can help you get past the difficult part of the game. The author, who goes by the name of “Sidney”, has been playing since 2010.
We’ve put up this guide to assist you figure out how to defeat Sierra May 2022. In this guide, you may learn all you need to know about defeating Sierra in the Pokemon Go game.
Sierra 2022: How To Beat It
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Sierra 2022: How To Beat It
There are three distinct steps that you must complete:
- Drowzee is the first phase.
- Blaziken, Lapras, and Sharpedo (Phase 2)
- Houndoom / Shiftry / Nidoqueen (Phase 3)
You must use a different kind to oppose Sierra in order to beat her. Stronger Legendaries, as well as various substitutes, may be found here.
Phase 1 of Sierra Pokemon Go Counters
In order to know Sierra 2022: How To Beat It, you have know all the counters:
Counters for Drowzee
Because it’s a Psychic-type Pokemon, it’s weak to Bug, Dark, and Ghost-type attacks.
- Snarl (Fast Move), Shadow Ball, Darkrai (Charge Move)
- Astonish (Fast Move), Shadow Ball Hoopa Hoopa Hoopa Hoopa Hoopa Hoopa Hoopa Hoopa Hoopa Hoopa Hoopa (Charge Move)
Snarl (Fast Move), Foul Play, Weavile (Charge Move)
Hex (Fast Move), Shadow Ball, Chandelure, Chandelure, Chandelure, Chandelure, Chandelure, Chandelure, Chandelure, Chandelure (Charge Move)
Shadow Claw (Fast Move), Shadow Ball, Gengar (Charge Move)
- Snarl (Fast Move), Payback, Absol (Charge Move)
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Counters for Blaziken
It has two types: Fighting and Fire. It is vulnerable to attacks of the Flying, Ground, Psychic, and Water types.
- Moltres: Sky Attack (Fast Move), Wing Attack (Fast Move) (Charge Move)
Waterfall (Fast Move), Surf (Pokemon Go Kyogre) (Charge Move)
Alakazam Alakazam: Psychic, Confusion (Fast Move) (Charge Move)
Bubble (Fast Move), Crabhammer are two of Kingler’s Pokemon Go moves (Charge Move)
Confusion (Fast Move), Psychic Espeon Espeon Espeon Espeon Espeon Espeon Espeon Espeon Espeon Espeon Espeon (Charge Move)
- Confusion (Fast Move), Psystrike, Mewtwo (Charge Move)
Counters for Lapras
It is a Pokemon with two types: water and ice. It is vulnerable to Electric, Fighting, Grass, and Rock-type techniques, as well as Ice and Water-type assaults.
- Counter (Fast Move), Close Combat, Sirfetch’d (Charge Move)
Counter (Fast Move), Aura Sphere Lucario Lucario Lucario Lucario Lucario Lucario Lucario Lucario Lucario Lucario Lucario (Charge Move)
Charge Beam (Fast Move), Wild Charge are two of Zekrom’s moves in Pokemon Go (Charge Move)
- Smack Down (Fast Move), Rock Slide, Rampardos (Charge Move)
Volt Switch (Fast Move), Wild Charge Raikou Raikou Raikou Raikou Raikou Raikou Raikou Raikou Raikou Raikou Raikou (Charge Move)
Counter (Fast Move), Dynamic Punch Conkeldurr Conkeldurr: (Charge Move)
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Counters Sharpedo
It is a Pokemon of the Water/Dark types. Bug, Electric, Fairy, Fighting, and Grass-type attacks are all weak against it.
- Conkeldurr: Dynamic Punch, Counter (Fast Move) (Charge Move)
Counter (Fast Move), Aura Sphere Lucario Lucario Lucario Lucario Lucario Lucario Lucario Lucario Lucario Lucario Lucario (Charge Move)
Razor Leaf (Fast Move), Grass Knot Roserade Roserade Roserade Roserade Roserade Roserade Roserade Roserade Roserade Roserade Roserade Roserade Roserade Roserade Roserade Roserade Rose (Charge Move)
- Pokemon Go Sirfetch’d Counter (Fast Move), Close Combat, Sirfetch’d (Charge Move)
Bug Bite (Fast Move), Bug Buzz Yanmega (Charge Move)
Charge Beam (Fast Move), Wild Charge are two of Zekrom’s moves in Pokemon Go (Charge Move)
Phase 3 of Pokemon Go in Sierra
Counters for Houndoom
It’s a dual-type Dark/Fire creature. Fighting, Ground, Rock, and Water-type Pokemon are all vulnerable to it.
- Conkeldurr: Dynamic Punch, Counter (Fast Move) (Charge Move)
- Groudon: Mud Shot (Fast Move), Earthquake (Master League Groudon) (Charge Move)
- Rampardos Pokemon Go Dex Smack Down (Fast Move), Rock Slide, Rampardos (Charge Move)
Waterfall (Fast Move), Hydro Pump, Kyogre Kyogre (Charge Move)
Counter (Fast Move), Aura Sphere Lucario Lucario Lucario Lucario Lucario Lucario Lucario Lucario Lucario Lucario Lucario (Charge Move)
Machamp: Counter (Fast Move), Dynamic Punch in Pokemon Go Machamp (Charge Move)
We have explained the complete information regarding Sierra 2022: How To Beat It. You can stay tuned with us for further information regarding beating Sierra in the game. As soon we get any information regarding it, we will be the first to inform you.
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It was the complete guide on Sierra 2022: How To Beat It. Now, we would like to conclude this article with the hope that you have got complete information regarding beating the Sierra in the game. If you have any queries regarding beating Sierra then you can ask us in the comment section. We would be happy to solve your queries regarding Sierra 2022: How To Beat It.
The “pokemon go sierra march 2022” is a game that has been released for the Nintendo Switch, and it will be released later for the iPhone. This article will teach you how to beat Sierra May 2022.
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