This is a guide to help you farm arrows in Elden Ring. The game features three different methods for crafting and collecting materials, but the classic method of gathering them from trees is also available if that’s more your style.
“elden ring how to farm arrows” is a guide on how to farm arrows in Elden Ring. The guide includes 3 methods for farming arrows.
Elden RIng has a lot of different builds to choose from, yet bows are by far the least common weapon in the game. When you think about bows, you probably think of them as a secondary means of defense or as a quick method to harvest for Runes. Bows and crossbows in this game were designed with a lot of consideration, and most people don’t realize how excellent they are.
You’ll need a lot of arrows and bolts to utilize bows and crossbows. There are only three basic ways to farm for arrows and bolts in the game. You may purchase them from certain Merchants across the globe, farm the crafting components to make them, or just look for them.
You’ll need to use all of these methods to gather enough arrows to battle whatever you’re up against. Although not all adversaries are vulnerable to arrows or bolts, it is useful to have as a backup in case you need to attack anything from a greater distance.
What is the best way to farm Arrows and Bolts in the game?
In Elden Ring, there isn’t really a decent method to farm arrows, therefore your best chance is to farm Runes or crafting ingredients so you can purchase or create arrows. If you wanted to farm opponents for arrows, you’d have to beat them again and over again, and it wouldn’t be an easy task.
If you wish to make a large number of arrows, you’ll need to gather the ingredients and cookbooks for each one’s recipe. Few people utilize the game’s crafting features, but if you prefer arrows or bolts, you’ll want to use them to get the most out of it.
In Elden Ring, there are three basic ways to harvest Arrows and Bolts:
1. Purchase them from certain merchants.
Although the game has 30 separate stores, not all of them offer arrows or bolts. Traveling merchants from all over the globe are typically the ones that do. They’re all in their allotted positions and don’t move, so once you discover them, they’ll appear on your map and you’ll know where they are.
Every merchant offers similar products, but you’ll eventually come across one who sells you the item you’re looking for. If you’re not sure which merchant offers what, we’ve put out a list of all the game’s arrows and bolts, along with the easiest method to discover them further in the post. Make a note of what each merchant offers and check their supply every time you come across one.
2. Gather the materials needed to make particular arrows.
The ability to make goods is a new feature to FromSoft games. This is significant since it expands the game’s choices. The quantity of arrows you can create after you discover the necessary recipes is the greatest portion of the crafting menu. You must first locate the recipes before you can begin making, but the quest is part of the fun.
Resources are abundant throughout the planet, therefore you may spend the whole game gathering materials before receiving a recipe book. Then you see something that takes the materials you’ve been gathering and gives you everything you need to make anything you desire. You may make a whole arsenal of arrows and bolts by simply farming the resources.
If you’re interested, we have a list of arrows in the last section of the post that informs you precisely which recipe book you’ll need for certain arrows or bolts. It’s a bit difficult to understand at times, but simply select the arrow or bolt you’re searching for in the list and it’ll tell you precisely how to acquire it.
3. Look for them all across the globe.
Because of how few arrows you can actually locate, this is by far the worst technique to farm for arrows on this list. You’ll probably only find 30x of one single arrow, which won’t last long if you use it as your primary weapon. Yes, you can discover a slew of arrows on corpses, but this is almost as time-consuming as farming adversaries for arrows.
It’s not horrible if you explore and collect a large number of them for later use, but if you want to farm for them this way, you should definitely stick to the other two solutions on this list. We suggest completing an arrow replay on your second playing since you will have accumulated enough arrows on your first playtime to have a complete armory of arrows.
Just keep in mind that discovering them for your source or them isn’t always a good idea since it’s not always a good idea. If you want to do some real farming for them, stick to making and purchasing.
Where can I discover each and every Arrow?
Small and long bows are used to shoot arrows, which are by far the most prevalent kind of ammunition. There are so many to pick from, from lightning arrows to blood arrows. If you really want to, you can make a construct completely out of bows and arrows. We won’t go into every single arrow’s specific position, but we will tell you where the simplest spots to grab each one are.
Here is a list of all the Arrows and where to locate them:
- Arrows are employed with both short and long bows. It’s possible to buy it from almost every merchant in the game.
- Arrow made from animal bones, called a bloodbone arrow. After you receive the Nomadic Warrior’s Cookbook, you may make this using 3x Thin Beast Bones and 1x Bloodrose (6).
- Bone Arrow – A whittled arrow made from thin animal bones. After you receive the Nomadic Warrior’s Cookbook, you’ll need 3x Thin Beast Bones to make this (1).
- A coldbone arrow is a whittled arrow with a frozen tip made from animal bones. After you receive the Glintstone Craftsman’s Cookbook, you’ll need 3x Thin Beast Bones and 3x Rimed Crystal Buds to make this (7).
- Dwelling Arrow – An arrow believed to house the ghosts of tiny animals. Ancestral Followers drop it or sell it for 160 Runes to the Nomadic Merchant at Soifra River.
- Fire Arrow – An arrow with a lit tip. For 120 Runes, sold by the Nomadic Merchant east of the Astray from Caelid Highway North Site of Grace.
- Arrow made from animal bones, called a firebone arrow. After you receive the Armorer’s Cookbook, you’ll need 6x Thin Animal Bones and 1x Smoldering Butterfly to make this (2).
- Golden Arrows are carved arrows that are used in conjunction with the Erdtree Bow. The Hermit Merchant on the Altus Plateau’s Hermit Merchant’s Shack sells it for 120 Runes.
- Arrow whittled from animal bones, known as the Haligbone Arrow. After you receive the Missionary’s Cookbook, you’ll need 3x Thin Beast Bones and 2x Golden Sunflowers to make this (4).
- Lightningbone Arrow — A lightning-infused arrow carved from animal bones. After you receive the Ancient Dragon Apostle’s Cookbook, you’ll need 3x Thin Beast Bones and 1x Fulgurbloom to make this (1).
- Arrow carved from animal bones, known as the Magicbone Arrow. After you receive the Glinstone Craftsman’s Cookbook, you’ll need 3x Thin Beast Bones and 2x Glinstone Fireflies to make this (5).
- Poisonbone Arrow – A poisonbone arrow made from animal bones. After you receive the Nomadic Warrior’s Cookbook, you’ll need 3x Thin Beast Bones and 1x Poisonbloom to make this (3).
- Rainbow Stone Arrow — An arrow carved from animal bones and topped with Rainbow Stone chips. After you receive the Nomadic Warrior’s Cookbook, you’ll need 3x Thin Beast Bones and 3x Ruin Fragments to make this (7).
- a rotbone arrow is an arrow made out of animal bones. After you receive the Nomadic Warrior’s Cookbook, you may make this using 3x Thin Beast Bones and 1x Aeonian Butterfly (15).
- Serpent Arrow – A carved arrow in the shape of a flying serpent. Snails drop them in Nokstella, Eternal City, or the Dragonbarrow’s Isolated Merchant in Caelid sells them for 120 Runes.
- Arrows carved from animal bones and topped with a shard of crystal are known as Shattershard Arrows. After you receive the Nomadic Warrior’s Cookbook, you’ll need 3x Thin Beast Bones and 2x Cracked Crystals to make this (11).
- Arrow made from animal bones called a speepbone arrow. After you receive the Fevor’s Cookbook, you’ll need 3x Thin Beast Bones and 1x Trina’s Lily to make this (2).
- Spiritflame Arrow — Before shooting, the arrow is set alight with ghost flame. Undead soldiers drop them in Nokron, Eternal City, or corpses in Elphael, Brace of the Haligtree.
- Arrow whittled from animal bones and fletched with storm hawk feathers is known as the Stormwing Bone Arrow. After you receive the Nomadic Warrior’s Cookbook, you’ll need 3x Thin Beast Bones and 1x Stormhawk Feather to make this (10).
- Trina’s Arrow – A carved arrow in the shape of a withered water lily. Nomadic Merchants in East Limgrave and Lurnia of the Lakes sell it, or Archers of Ordina drop it.
What is the location of each Bolt?
Bolts are more difficult to get by, but they cause a lot more harm. They have a far longer range than normal arrows, making them the ideal weapon for confrontations across large distances. It’s helpful for PVP if you’re fighting numerous people and need to flee the battle.
As previously said, we will not provide you with the specific locations of each and every bolt; instead, we will advise you on the best methods for obtaining them.
Here’s a list of all the Bolts and where to locate them:
- Crossbow bolt – Ammunition for crossbows. It’s possible to buy it from almost every merchant in the game.
- Black-Key Bolt — Bolts used in Crepus’ Black-Key Crossbow, an exquisitely crafted assassin’s instrument. In the Roundtable Hold, beyond the first Gargoyle door.
- Bolt carved from animal bone is known as a bloodbone bolt. After you receive the Nomadic Warrior’s Cookbook, you may make this using 2x Thin Beast Bones and 1x Bloodrose (6).
- Bone Bolt – A thin animal bone is cut into a bolt. After you receive the Nomadic Warrior’s Cookbook, you’ll need 2x Thin Beast Bones to make this (1).
- Burred Bolt — A thorn-covered bolt. After the Dynasty Mausoleum Entrance grace, the merchant within the Mohgwyn Dynasty Mausoleum sold it for 200 Runes.
- Bolt cut from animal bone with a frozen point is known as a coldbone bolt. After you receive the Glintstone Craftsman’s Cookbook, you’ll need 2x Thin Beast Bones and 3x Rimed Crystal Buds to make this (7).
- Explosive Bolt — A bolt with a shard of Explosive Stone placed on it. The Nomadic Merchant on Mt. Gelmir sold it for 160 Runes.
- Bolt carved from animal bone is known as a firebone bolt. After you receive the Armorer’s Cookbook, you may make this using 2x Thin Animal Bones and 1x Smoldering Butterfly (2).
- Bolt with a strongly burnt point, known as Flaming Bolt. The Nomadic Merchant in south Caelid sold it for 120 Runes.
- Golden Bolt – Bolt imbued with the Erdtree’s spell. The Hermit Merchant on the Altus Plateau’s Hermit Merchant’s Shack sells it for 120 Runes.
- Haligbone Bolt – A carved animal bone bolt. After you receive the Missionary’s Cookbook, you’ll need 2x Thin Beast Bones and 2x Golden Sunflowers to make this (4).
- Lightning Bolt – Bolt with a Gravel Stone shard as a tip. Infinite supply sold by Nomad Merchant on Altus Plateau’s Forest-Spanning Bridge site of grace.
- Lightningbone Bolt — A lightning-infused bolt created from animal bone. After you receive the Ancient Dragon Apostle’s Cookbook, you’ll need 2x Thin Beast Bones and 1x Fulgurbloom to make this (1).
- Lordsworn’s Bolt — A well constructed bolt with a prestigious design, held by lord’s army regulars. Looted from one of the archers at the Bridge of Sacrifice in Limgrave who was using or defending the enormous mounted crossbow.
- Bolt crafted from animal bone, known as the Magicbone Bolt. After you receive the Glinstone Craftsman’s Cookbook, you’ll need 2x Thin Beast Bones and 2x Glinstone Fireflies to make this (5).
- Meteor Bolt — A magical piece of art created in conjunction with the Full Moon Crossbow. The Isolated Merchant outside of Ray Lucaria’s Academy sold it for 120 Runes.
- Bolt of the Perfumer – Bolt produced using perfumer methods. Inside the Tombsward Ruins on the Weeping Peninsula, dropped by the Pages.
- Bolt cut from animal bone known as a poisonbone bolt. After you receive the Nomadic Warrior’s Cookbook, you’ll need 2x Thin Beast Bones and 1x Poisonbloom to make this (3).
- Bolt carved from animal bone is known as a rotbone bolt. After you receive the Nomadic Warrior’s Cookbook, you may make this using 2x Thin Beast Bones and 1x Aeonian Butterfly (15).
- Bolt fashioned from animal bone called a sleepbone bolt. After you receive the Fevor’s Cookbook, you’ll need 3x Thin Beast Bones and 1x Trina’s Lily to make this (2).
Where can I locate each Greatarrow?
If you’re aiming to defeat anything large, Great Arrows are one of the greatest weapons to utilize. If it’s a boss or a giant, this will speed up the process of defeating them. There will be foes that are stronger than them, but with the powerful Great Arrows, most enemies will fall fast.
If you do locate a nice bow, give them a try since they’re a lot of fun to use. Furthermore, after you beat Radahn in his festival, obtaining Radahn’s Spear is fairly simple.
Here’s where you may locate each Greatarrow:
- Great Arrow — A spear-like greatarrow for use with greatbows. Patches will sell it to you for 300 Runes. It is also offered for the same price by a few other merchants on the Weeping Peninsula and Mt. Gelmir.
- Bone Great Arrow — A spear-sized arrow fashioned from sturdy animal bones. After you receive the Nomadic Warrior’s Cookbook, you’ll need 1x Hefty Beast Bone to make this (13).
- Golden Great Arrow – Carved greatarrows created in collaboration with the Erdtree Greatbow. The Hermit Merchant on the Altus Plateau’s Hermit Merchant’s Shack sells it for 500 Runes.
- Golem’s Great Arrow – A great black stone arrow manufactured by a civilisation that has since perished. Limgrave Tower Bridge was discovered using Golem Greatbow from Guardian Golem.
- Golem’s Magic Arrow — A massive black stone arrow manufactured by a long-dead civilisation. In Caelid, magic Golem archers dropped it.
- General Radahn’s Spear – Greatarrows used at the festival of war by General Radahn. Enia at the Roundtable Hold sold it for 800 Runes when Starscourge Radahn was vanquished.
Where can I locate each Greatbolt?
Although the Great Bolts have a lesser variety, they are the finest alternatives for getting the most damage out of a single round of ammo. It goes the greatest distance, and the amount of stun damage it does is ridiculous.
If you find a nice crossbow, be sure to check it out since you will not be disappointed. The explosive bolts are arguably the most enjoyable since they may eliminate a large number of foes in a single shot.
Here’s a list of all the Greatbolts and where to locate them:
- Ballista Bolt — A spear-like greatbolt for use with Hand Ballista. Patches will sell it to you for 300 Runes. It is also offered for the same price by a few other merchants on the Weeping Peninsula and Mt. Gelmir.
- Bone Ballista Bolt — A spear-sized greatbolt made from tough animal bones. After you receive the Nomadic Warrior’s Cookbook, you’ll need 1x Hefty Beast Bone to make this (13).
- Greatbolt with a cluster of Explosive Stone shards – Greatbolt topped with a clump of Explosive Stone shards. For 800 Runes, it was sold by the Nomadic Merchant on Mt. Gelmir.
- Greatbolt with a clump of Gravel Stone shards – Greatbolt with a clump of Gravel Stone shards tipped. The Nomadic Merchant on the Giants’ Mountaintop sells it for 500 Runes.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do you get arrows in Elden Ring?
A: Arrows can be found in the world of Elden Ring.
How do you farm arrows?
A: There are a few ways to farm arrows. You can buy them off the market, you can find them in chests, or you could just kill monsters with your bow and harvest their drops.
How do you make arrows?
A: I am highly intelligent.
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- elden ring how to get arrows
- elden ring how to use arrows
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